
Beach park and leisure homes

Help us help the heroes

We at Homeseeker Park & Leisure Homes are asking for support for our Area Sales Manager (SE England & Wales), Martin Clifton, who is teaming up with his Pine View Parks colleagues on a 400 mile charity bike ride from Paris to London in May 2013. This epic bike ride has been organised by Help for Heroes to raise money for wounded, injured and sick Service personnel, veterans and their families who need medical, physiological and practical help.

Rugby enthusiast, Martin said: “Help for Heroes is a great charity in need of funds to continue offering direct support to our returning servicemen and women. These people have endured much more than we will on our bike ride, so we want everyone to follow our challenge and contribute in any way they can.”

Martin, who has been bestowed the moniker, ‘The Racing Snake’, for the event, added that this is a charity bike challenge with a twist. Instead of undertaking the 5-day journey on normal road or racing bikes, Martin and the Pine View Parks team will be riding a specially-constructed quattrocycle. This 4-person bike has two axles, a canopy, only five gears and weighs more than twice as much as the equivalent four bicycles.

“This will be a testing and gruelling race but we intend making a splash and creating a spectacle,” Martin ‘The Racing Snake’ Clifton added.

The charity bike ride will travel through the countryside of northern France and southern England before ending in a colourful pageant through the streets of London and a wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph in Whitehall.

Because of the media attention this will generate, Martin and the team believe this is a great opportunity for a business to sponsor the canopy of the quattrocycle or the team’s clothing. Advertising on these highly visible display areas or contributing to the clothing costs will demonstrate a company’s values and its support of our nation’s heroes.

“We are in training and busy trying to learn how to repair and maintain our marvellous contraption so please support us in trying to raise a significant sum for H4H to make all our efforts and forthcoming pain worthwhile,” Martin concluded.

If you are interested in sponsoring the quattrocycle team in any way, please call Pine View Parks on or contact them through the .

Spread the word and get in touch with Pine View Parks now!

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Energy-saving park options

With a Homeseeker park home you can benefit from a range of further optional money and energy-saving features offered by some parks that will not only help save the environment but also the money in your pocket! These features include:

Rainwater harvesting

A water-butt system that collects rainwater from your roof for 101 uses such as watering the garden, washing your windows and car or giving your dog a drink.

Grey water system

A plumbed-in systems that recycles water from your shower and hand basins for use by your toilet flush system.

Ground source heating

In the right location this eco-friendly system utilises renewable energy stored in the ground to provide one of the most energy-efficient ways of heating your Homeseeker park home. The only energy used by ground source heating systems is electricity to power the pumps which nevertheless deliver three or four times more thermal energy (heat) than is used in electrical energy to drive the system.